Establishing of training places in all centres
Top requirements in theory and practice - how we train doctors at our Cleft-centres to become specialists.
By providing training on site we are realising the humanitarian principle of "helping people to help themselves". In both theory and practice, fellows are introduced from the very beginning to the strictest medical performance and quality standards. "The high levels of requirements on all facial specialists seeking to operate on cleft-children expect special training, competence, resilience and many years of experience in facial surgery," explains Prof. Sailer, who is himself world renowned in facial surgery.
This is why from the very beginning he placed a top priority on transferring all of his skill and experience to doctors in developing and threshold countries. In order to achieve successful treatment, it is also necessary to have the close collaboration of a large team of specialists: oral, orthodontic and facial surgeons, plastic surgeons, orthodontists, anaesthetists, ENT physicians, dentists, speech therapists and psychologists must work together in an ideal fashion.